Cliché run-in’s: The “key” words you need to stop using.

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So you’ve decided that you’re ready to find a new job, and with that decision comes the gruelling process of giving your CV and cover letter a facelift. You are getting tempted to use classic cliché words. The word document is open with the cursor blinking patiently for you to start writing how incredible you are- but before you write a single letter, please read on and seriously consider not using these overly used, cliché words that the daily readers of CVs and cover letters come across far too much.

Here are four words that have been worn down and used so often that they seem to have lost their original positive meaning, along with a refreshing alternative to surprise the reader.


Cliché n°1: Proactive

Being proactive can be tough if there are so many rules and restrictions, but there are difficult situations that come in all of our work lives which require our fast thinking and doing whatever is necessary to fix an issue, despite what the handbook says. There is still another way, though, to say that you’re able to think of new ideas and find ways to problem solve: to be innovative. Wow! Maybe there is something that just doesn’t seem right in the said rule book, and you’re brave enough to make improvements for the company, their customers, and your future colleagues.


Cliché n°2 Responsibility

Our mothers taught us what responsibility was the first time we asked if we could have a dog at the age of 6. So being responsible should be a given in every person. So give rational a go. It  means that you are a logical thinker who is reasoned, and able to make the right decisions at any given time.


Cliché n°3: Flexible

Flexible? In what way? Are you able to change your schedule around others, or that you can work outside of your own role, or can you pick your nose with your big toe? All of the above? Okay… well flexibility is seen far too much. Give adaptability a chance, if you are able to adjust easily to new conditions and can change according to any modification(s). Animals didn’t flex their way into what they are now, they adapted.


Cliché n°4: Motivated

Motivated has got to be the most cliché word in the history of resumes. Of course you’re motivated! You’re motivated to send in your (now super vocab-improved) cv and cover letter! It’s everywhere, even job descriptions (including ours) say it! We must come together, take a stand, and stop wearing this once inspiring and positive word into the ground. We’re being too dramatic aren’t we But seriously come on! What’s left to say? Oh yes, try the word we just mentioned: inspired. This could describe you as an inspiring person, or that you’re outstanding, you can do  anything you set your mind to, and that you find new ideas or find inspiration in your life and/or work.

These are just a few of the cliché words we hear and see Every. Single. Day. Can you think of some which you’re guilty of over using? You  can check out the many word boards on our Pinterest when thinking of what words to use when writing. No one expects you to be Shakespeare or anything like that- just a little more original.

For more detailed information look at our other blogs on how to choose your referencehow to master graphic CVs and how to present yourself on social media

Abroad Experience International Recruitment wishes you the best of luck for your next job application!

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